Peter & LeonieWelcome!

We are Peter and Leonie from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In 2015 we quit our jobs and rented out the house to be able to travel around the world on our motorbikes. We left late 2013 from Amsterdam and first went to Africa. After 11 months we took the bikes and flew from South Africa to Argentina where we started our trip through the Americas. It took us a year to ride north. In december 2015 we flew with our bikes from Canada to Malaysia. The next months we want to ride from South East Asia back to Europe. Where the journey takes us on this last stretch is still a great adventure. You can follow our adventures on this website!

Together on a motorcycle trip for two years, why?!

Because we want to see, smell, hear and taste the world; because we can still work for the rest of our lifes; because you only live once; because it’s now or never, and we have no children yet; because it is exciting; to leave the beaten path; to seek adventure; to feel alive; to share this adventure together; to be more free on a bike, to be able to go wherever you want to go; because we can.

About Leonie

Year of birth
Driving license since
Riding experience at departure
First bike

Tasks on the road

Special qualities

Annoying flaws

Lawyer (litigation)
> 30.000 km
Honda Transalp XL600V

Chief Operations Officer, navigator, cook, photographer, blogger, cineast

Linguistic talent, built-in compass, good memory, economical rider

Fear of heights, snorer


About Peter


Year of birth
Driving license since
Riding experience at departure
First bike

Tasks on the road

Special qualities

Annoying flaws

Procesoperator (chemical)
> 60.000 km
Honda Africa Twin XRV750

Walking RTW-encyclopedia, mechanic, firestarter, photographer, ornithologist purchaser

Fearless, strong relativism, nose for gadgets, good on sand paths

Impatient, selective memory

Thanks for reading!
Peter and Leonie

Click here to start reading from the very beginning: “We did it, we left!


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