We have been back in the Netherlands for six months now and are doing well. We cannot say we are completely settled in yet, but we are getting there. The website has been quiet, but in the background there is a lot of activity. We have plunged into new adventures we would love to share with you:
5x Motoplus – Book – Presentations – Bartang.eu
5 x MotoPlus
The next few months a serie of five articles will be published in Motoplus, a leading Dutch motorcycle magazine! The first edition will be in stores this weekend and will also be available through the Motoplus website Unfortunately for our English readers the articles will be in Dutch, but the good news is that we will publish two articles in an American Magazine later this year. We will keep you posted!
Encouraged by the enthusiastic reactions from you, our readers, we started thinking about publishing a book. This became more serious when we were approached by a Dutch publisher who asked us to print our stories in an actual book. A dream come true! A dream that will also require a lot of work over the next months. I chose to focus on writing the book instead of updating the blog for now. The book will be in Dutch but we have serieus plans to publish an English translation as well. More information will follow.
Since we returned we gave two presentations at the Horizons Unlimited meeting in Germany and have had bookings for a few more over the next months. Most of those will be in Holland. If you are here, you are more than welcome to join one of them. If there is chance we give a presentation at the HU Meeting in the UK or at other locations abroad, we will keep you posted.
We have not worked for a boss for a long time and will not do so this year, because we have started our own company: Bartang. We import and distribute motorcycle travel gear and will open a webshop soon. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and experience and become the starting point of motorcycle trips, whether they lead to the Belgian Ardennes or Africa, we will be there with gear and advice.
We are proud to have become dealer of KLIM Motorcycle Gear and hope to tell you soon which brands we can add to our range. We will inform you soonest about the grand opening of the webshop.
Our adventures are in the Netherlands for now, behind our desks staring at our Macbooks, but they are still challenging and exciting! For Easter we will leave work for what it is and hit the road for a few days to not completely loose the motorcycle vibe.
See you with more news!
Hallo Peter en Leonie
Ik ben op zoek naar mensen die iets over hun avontuurlijke reizen willen vertellen
Onze motorclub houd tijdens de winter maanden diverse avonden.
Deze avonden duren ongeveer 2 uur, in amstelveen.
Voor dit jaar gaat het om 14 december
Zijn jullie daar voor te porren, zo ja en wat zijn de kosten.
Ik hoor graag van of het mogelijk is.
Groet Jan Kuiper (activiteiten commissie)
Mooie plannen weer, veel succes!
Welcome home!
Gaaf dat jullie aan een boek werken van jullie avonturen, bij het lezen van jullie blogs heb nik daar ook echt aan gedacht.
Succes met acclimatiseren, schrijven en ondernemen!
Als jullie in de buurt van Den Haag zijn, drop us a note!
Groetjes Maurits & Marloes (en inmiddels ook ons reisgenootje Lucas
weer mooie dingen aan het plannen vooral het boek spreekt mij aan
Jullie hebben de vaart er goed in! Succes met het ondernemerschap.
Groet, Andre
Goed bezig en mooi om te zien dat jullie je hart volgen. Dat werkt in het ondernemerschap vaak ook het beste. Zonder passie, geen succesvol ondernemer! En passie hebben jullie genoeg!
Cheers, Michiel