Inspiring travel stories, movies and books
We are not the first ones to travel the world on motorbikes or otherwise. The travel stories of other travellers have been a great source of inspiration preparing for our trip. Often it was also reassuring to read that the world is much friendlier and safer than we would think based on the evening news. We gratefully used the experiences of others in determining our route, preparing the motorbikes and choosing the right equipment.
Below is a random selection of special travel stories, movies and books to dream away! Click on the links in the text for full details about the books, movies and blogs.
Travel stories
2uprtw to India via Tierra Del Fuego – The Canadian couple Brian and Marie-France was the first couple we followed through their “ride report” on the website Adventure Rider. They rode two up on a GS BMW1100 around the world, from Canada with a huge detour to India. They even travelled through Iran and Pakistan. A report full of beautiful pictures of two cheerful travellers.
Far Away From Flakkee – Our good friends Daan and Miriam took their Africa Twins on a great trip from Canada, through the United States and Central America, to South America. After shipping the motorbikes, they rode from South Africa through eastern Africa back to the Netherlands. A fantastic trip, we followed closely!
Gewoon Gaan (Just Go) – The story of Paul and Renate is special in more than one way. They left for a trip to Africa on two motorbikes, but stranded in Mauritania after a car accident. After a period of rehabilitation in the Netherlands, they decided to switch to a Toyota Hilux with which they wandered through western Africa for several years. The love for Africa is clear from their stories and photos. After the trip, they bought a piece of land in Ouzoud (Morocco) where they set up the beautiful Camp Zebra. During our stay at their campsite, we could not stop talking about travelling, life in Africa and motorbikes. Paul pointed us to the Honda CRF250L which had just come out at that time. What a great tip!
From Estonia with love – One of the best-read stories on Adventure Rider and not without reason! Estonians Markus and Kariina travelled two-up on a BMW1150GS around the world. Highly recommended ride-report, especially because of the beautiful pictures! The decision to take a good camera on our trip was made quickly after seeing those pictures.
The Sibirsky Extreme Trail – Walter Colebatch made some great trips. He was one of the first travellers to travel through China on a motorbike without a guide from the Chinese government. The last couple of years he can be found in Siberia. This ‘ride report’ on Adventure Rider is about the journey he made in 2012 from London to Siberia in Russia through Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. When we were preparing our motorbikes, we took Walters BMW F650XChallenge as an example. The ‘Magadan’ bags we use for our luggage were developed by him (in partnership with Adventure Spec).
Travelin – The adventures of Dave and Marley in Africa. A Dutch couple who, like us, travel on two small motorbikes: Honda NX250. During a stopover in the Netherlands, we met them in Amsterdam. A great night full of tips on routes, wildlife parks, the disadvantages and (especially) the benefits of travelling on a light motorbike.
Achievable Dream – We spent a lot of rainy Sundays on the couch in front of the TV watching the DVD series of Horizons Unlimited. In addition to great travel stories for inspiration, the DVDs are full of practical tips about applying for visas. using a “Carnet de passages”, first aid and preparing the motorbikes. There even was a special ‘Ladies on the Loose’ DVD!
Mondo Enduro and Terra Circa – Fantastic movies made by Austin Vince about the trips he made with his friends travelling low-budget around the world on light motorbikes.
Long Way Round and Long Way Down – We can not deny it: we were inspired by the amazing trips made Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman. We have watched the dvd-series several times, read the books and listened the soundtrack. It is a great motorcycle adventure of two friends, full of humor. After seeing the series, the decision for a light Honda was easily made.
Riding Solo To The Top Of The World – A fantastic film of Indian Gaurav Jani who rode on a 350 Royal Enfield from Delhi to the Tibetan plateau Chang Thang. With enough food, water and gasoline to drive 900km he rides on the highest motorable passes in the world. Stunning images of the Himalayas, the highlands and the nomads who live there. That he is filming everything himself and also did the voice-over with his Indian-English accent makes the film complete!
Lois on the Loose and Red Tape & White Knuckles – The hilarious stories that Lois Pryce wrote are an absolute must read! The first book is about the journey that she made (on her own!) from Anchorage (Alaska, USA) to Ushuaia (Argentina) on a Yamaha XT225 Serow. The second book she wrote is about her trip to Africa, which she did (on her own again!) on a Yamaha TTR250.
Jupiter ‘s Travels and Dreaming of Jupiter – Ted Simon rode around the world twice and wrote two books about doing that. He travelled through Africa, the Americas, Australia, Asia and the Middle-East. The first time he traveled from 1973-1977 on a Triumph Tiger 500cc. When he was 69, he departed again in 2001. If we have enough time and budget , we would like the same route.
Het Aarden Beest (The earthly beast) – The Dutch couple Benno and Thecla travelled together on a 350 Royal Enfield with a trailer through Africa. The route begins in South Africa and winds north, through beautiful Africa. Their basic way of travelling as well as the fact that they took their time to make coffee alongside the road, was a great inspiration. Highly recommended and declared Best Travelogue 2010 for a reason (unfortunately it was not translated into English as far as we know).
The Rugged Road – In 1934, Theresa Wallach and Florence Blenkiron departed from London on a Panther 100 with sidecar and trailer to South Africa. They crossed the Western Sahara and rode through tropical Africa to the east coast to continue to South Africa. A great story of two exceptionally adventurous ladies! The short movie that was made about this book says it all
Into Africa – Sam Manicom wrote several books, including this book about his trip to Africa on a BMW R100GS. He has a funny way of writing about his extraordinary adventures, which include a freak accident and a day in a Kenyan prison.
100,000 Miles of Solitude – Dutchman Maarten wrote this English book about the journey he made on his Africa Twin. For three years he wandered all over the world. According to his website, he describes “100,000 miles of culture, adventure and most of all butt pain”. Fun to read.
Into Africa : The Epic Adventures of Stanley and Livingstone – In this book Martin Dugard describes Livingstones expedition to the source of the Nile, his “disappearance” and the quest of Stanley for Livingstone that followed. The backgrounds of the search and the meeting between the two gentlemen (“Doctor Livingstone, I presume?”), at a time when Africa was still undiscovered. A personal favorite of Peter, who had wanted to be an explorer himself.
Adventure Motorcycling Handbook, Morocco Overland and Desert Travels – Chris Scott is the author of THE handbook for motorcycle adventurers. The Adventure Motorcycling Handbook is full of tips on travel motorbikes, travel documents, itineraries, off-road driving, equipment and much more. We had bought the previous edition some time ago, but also purchased the newer copy at the end of 2013. The book about Morocco proved very valuable during our trip to Morocco in 2012. Funny detail is that Chris Scott bought a Honda CRF250L to travel with in the beginning of 2013. Good choice!
Meisjes, Moslims and Motoren (Girls, Muslims & Motorcycles)- A beautiful travelogue of Belgian Trui and Gaea, who drove through the Middle East on their motorbikes. They traveled in the footsteps of two ladies who drove to Afghanistan in 1939 in a Ford from Switzerland. The book is full of great pictures! A must read for Dutch readers. (Unfortunately not translated into English as far as we know)